Trauma from the Frontline
New episode every Monday!

The focus is educational and the goal is to encourage people to be proactive in managing their own mental health and for people who need help to find the pathway to achieving it.
Series 2
Welcome to 2023 and the second series of Trauma from the Frontline!
It was quite an amazing experience to interview such interesting guests. There were many light bulb moments for me which directly connected with my own experience of working with people on the frontline. I learnt a great deal about what is happening in the trauma arena and came out of the experience far more optimistic that highly skilled help is available for people with mental health/trauma issues and a great deal more needs to be done to link people into available support services.
This series has more of a ‘Corrections’ focus however the majority of issues raised are applicable to any frontline organisation or worker on the floor.
Jump to Series 2 Upcoming Podcasts
Episode 1 – Felicity Childs & Bruce Perham
In this episode I have my good friend Felicity Childs interview me around my Narrative approach to work, the terrific training I was able to have with Michael White Co-founder of Narrative Therapy and my resolute belief not nearly enough attention or influence is afforded to people’s descriptions of their own lives.
Bruce is licensed to deliver From Correction Fatigue to Fulfillment Training throughout Australia and New Zealand.
Episode 2 – Don Gillies & Bruce Perham
Bruce Perham is with Don Gillies. Don worked as a Policeman for 5 years which he followed up with 37 years as an ambulance paramedic. Don talks about his work experiences, the continual exposure to trauma and his ultimate diagnosis of PTSD. Don is now retired from work and spends considerable time with his Bernese Mountain therapy dog Bernie which was trained by Assistance Dogs Australia.
Don was very keen for me to interview someone from Assistance Dogs Australia – which I did!
Connect with Assistance Dogs Australia: Assistance Dogs Australia
Episode 3 Ajdin Mujezinovic & Bruce Perham
Bruce is with Ajdin [Adi] Mujezinovic Adi is a psychologist and works part time at Assistance Dogs Australia as a Mental Health Clinician. In this interview Adi shares how the dogs are trained, the matching process and the roles a therapy dog can play in the life of someone living with PTSD.
Connect with Assistance Dogs Australia: Assistance Dogs Australia
Please Note: Some of the questions refer to a therapy dog as opposed to an Assistance Dog. A Therapy Dog is a dog used by a Allied Health professional to meet goals in a therapeutic setting, they do not have public access. An Assistance Dog (sometimes called a Service Dog) is trained to alleviate a disability when teamed with an individual. These dogs do have public access and are the dogs we use for PTSD.
Bruce is licensed to deliver From Correction Fatigue to Fulfillment Training throughout Australia and New Zealand.
Episode 4 Greg Morton & Bruce Perham
Bruce is with Greg Morton. Greg worked for Oregon State Corrections for more than thirty years, he has a Bachelor degree in Psychology and a Master of Science degree in Industrial/Organisational Psychology, and since retiring in 2009 Greg has been a Master Trainer at Desert Waters Correctional Outreach Service. In this interview we talk about his experiences of training officers and his deep commitment to their mental health and well being.
Connect with Desert Waters Correctional Outreach Service:
Bruce is licensed to deliver From Correction Fatigue to Fulfillment Training throughout Australia and New Zealand.
Episode 5 Mia & Bruce Perham – Part 1
Part 1 of Mia’s Interview. Bruce is with Mia. Mia was a Correction Officer for 3 years and in this very open and honest two part interview she shares the enormity of the prison experience and culture and the resultant impact it had on her. I found it quite confronting, in parts, and while Mia’s experience will not be everyone’s experience there is much in Mia’s story that resonated with me and highlight the complexity of working in a prison environment. It also brought home to me we have very little exposure to the psychological state of people leaving these systems, the state they leave in and the factors behind doing so.
Episode 6 Mia & Bruce Perham – Part 2
Part 2 of Mia’s Interview: Bruce is with Mia, Mia was a Correction Officer for 3 years and in this very open and honest two part interview she shares the enormity of the prison experience and culture and the resultant impact it had on her. I found it quite confronting, in parts, and while Mia’s experience will not be everyone’s experience there is much in Mia’s story that resonated with me and highlight the complexity of working in a prison environment. It also brought home to me we have very little exposure to the psychological state of people leaving these systems, the state they leave in and the factors behind doing so.
Episode 7 Jennifer & Bruce Perham
Bruce is with Jennifer, Mia’s mother from the previous episodes. I am very keen to her the family members stories as well as frontline stories. In this interview she shares her doubts about Mia wanting to be a Correction officer and her helplessness in watching the devastating psychological toll it took on her in the course of three ‘short’ years.
Episode 8 Maggie & Bruce Perham
Bruce is with Maggie. Maggie was a Correctional officer for ten years and in this interview, she shares how the prison environment/culture just wore her down to the point she had to leave. The constant exposure to trauma events in a system that just seemed to struggle to understand the enormity of the officer experience. Equally though Maggie points out officer to officer exchanges were equally damaging and in the end she had, had enough of it.
Episode 9 Anthony Milbourne & Bruce Perham
Bruce is with Anthony. In this episode, I have the pleasure of speaking with Anthony Milbourne, a seasoned professional with years of experience in compliance enforcement. Throughout his career, Anthony has worked in various positions in local and state government in Australia. One of his biggest passions is youth justice, and he has written a book titled ‘Psych Wardens: An Officer’s Psychological Account of the Inside’, which features the psychological accounts of both a psych warden and officers who work inside the system. The book sheds light on the dangerous nature of youth criminal justice and how custodial workers can keep themselves as safe as possible. He shares his experience of being seriously assaulted in a youth justice centre, the road to recovery and the importance of understanding the environment you are walking into, Anthony’s work is a positive contribution to this much-debated area, highlighting the compassion he had while working with youths in custody.
Episode 10 Dr Susan Jones & Bruce Perham
Bruce Perham is with Dr Susan Jones. Colorado USA. Dr Jones retired after working for 31 years in Colorado corrections. Dr Jones began her career in 1981 as a community corrections counsellor. In 1985 Dr Jones became a correctional Officer where she progressed to Sergeant, Lieutenant, Associate Warden and ultimately Warden of a Supermax facility. In this interview Dr Jones shares her early experiences of being one of the the first woman working in a Colorado prison through to being majorly assaulted by a prisoner and the subsequent psychological process of coming to terms with this random attack. Dr Jones has a Bachelor of Behavioural Science, a Masters in Criminal justice Administration and a Doctorate from the University of Colorado.
Episode 11 John A Shuford & Bruce Perham
Bruce is with John A Shuford – North Carolina USA. John is regarded as a national leader of the award-winning Immersion-Experiential© methodology of staff development training utilizing the 4 Es Principle {Engage, Energize, Empower, Enjoy]. He has delivered proven innovative staff development trainings nationally and internationally for 30 years. John is a trained rehabilitation counsellor and has recently published his first book ’Mid-21st Century Criminal Justice: Work Culture Transformation’. In this interview John shares his work on Emotional Intelligence training and the key role it can play in transforming work place culture.
Connect with John A Shuford:
Buy Mid 21st Century Criminal Justice
Team CRS Website
Episode 12 Dr Gail Kinman & Bruce Perham
Bruce is with Dr Gail Kinman. Gail is a renowned Chartered Psychologist and Fellow of both the British Psychological Society and the Academy of Social Sciences. With extensive experience in research and practice, Gail is an expert in improving the working conditions and well-being of those who engage in emotionally demanding work, such as health and social care professionals, prison officers, and academics. In this episode, Gail shares her insights on the importance of emotional resilience in high-intensity workplaces and discusses her own work in this field.
Connect with Dr Gail Kinman:
Series 1
Episode 1 – Dr Caterina Spinaris PhD
In this interview, Dr Spinaris talks about correction fatigue, PTSD, and her thoughts about the key things officers need to do in this work to ‘stay well.’ Dr Spinaris is the founding director of Desert Waters Correctional Outreach Service in Colorado, USA. Dr Spinaris has provided counselling, and training to correction officers for more than twenty years. Connect with Dr Caterina Spinaris
Bruce is licensed to deliver From Correction Fatigue to Fulfillment Training throughout Australia and New Zealand.
Episode 2 – Dr John Arden PhD
Dr John Arden shares his thoughts about the psychological demands of frontline work and the importance of looking after your brain and body. John is a Neuropsychologist specialising in the field of brain research and impact of trauma on the brain and is a leading expert in this area. John has written extensively on this topic and I hope to interview him again in 2023 about his latest book release.
Connect with Dr John Arden:
- Dr. John Arden’s Website
- TED Talks
- Rewire Your Brain 2.0 – Amazon
- Rewire Your Brain 2.0 – Barnes & Noble
Barnes & Nobel is offering a 25% discount on preorders with code PREORDER25 Bruce is licensed to deliver From Correction Fatigue to Fulfillment Training throughout Australia and New Zealand.
Episode 3 – Tim Peck
Tim Peck was a police officer for more than 20 years and in this interview shares his experience of police work. He tells me how it totally took over his life, leading to a spiral into depression, PTSD, alcohol dependency, and the decision to take his own life. Tim is now open to sharing his experience and through his position at Phoenix Australia encourages police to seek professional help. Tim is involved in establishing specialised trauma counselling services for people with PTSD.
Episode 4 – Andrew Crisp AM, APM.
Andrew is the Emergency Management Victoria Commissioner. Prior to that Andrew was a Policeman for 38 years and was Deputy Commissioner of Regional Development when he accepted the position at EMV. In this interview, Andrew shares his trauma experiences as a police officer and the importance of providing mental health support to frontline workers. Andrew also discusses his move to EMV and the broadening of his experience in emergency management. Connect with Andrew Crisp
Bruce is licensed to deliver From Correction Fatigue to Fullfillment Training throughout Australia and New Zealand.
Episode 5 – Dr Jon Finch
Episode 6 – Dr Laurie MacKinnon PhD
Episode 7 – Dr Shelley Turner PhD
Episode 8 – Dr Linda Curran
Episode 8 – Timothea Goddard
Bruce is licensed to deliver From Correction Fatigue to Fulfillment Training throughout Australia and New Zealand.
Upcoming episodes