Add consultancy to your training session.
Bruce provides consultancy services to frontline organisations to assess the mental health, trauma, and stress levels of their workforce. This is done in an interactive way with 1-to-1 interviews, and reflective practice sessions with staff across the organisation [including the leadership team]. Bruce collates this into a report that would outline the current issues for staff regarding their mental health and recommendations for the way forward.
Bruce was recently employed by the ACT Corrective Services in Canberra to conduct such a review of their staff. Bruce found this a very productive process and is keen to expand this area of his practice.
Talk to us about adding this to your training session booking.

Max. 12
Your premises
From Correction Fatigue to Fulfilment [CF2F]
This is a full-day course developed by Dr Caterina Spinaris Colorado USA. This training teaches those that work in the Corrections field to
- Identify Correction Fatigue and
- Learn what they can do to combat it, in order to experience fulfillment in their work and home life.
Who is this training for?
Prison officers, probation and parole officers, community corrections officers, and those working in the juvenile justice system.

Max. 12
Your premises
Changing the Mindset – A Pathway to Surviving Corrections Work
This is a half day training program that outlines the steps that Corrections officers and staff that work directly or in directly with prisoners need to take to put themselves in the best position to manage their mental and physical health in fulfilling their demanding occupational roles.
Who is this training for?
Correction Officers, Non-custodial staff but those who have roles that expose them to vicarious trauma i.e., Prison Intelligence staff, Officers that work in the Courts, Community Correction Teams, Probation and Parole, Offender Services.

3 hours
Max. 12
Your premises
Managing Stress and Dealing with Trauma
This two-hour group discussion training will very gently introduce Correction Officers/First Responders to some of the issues around Occupational Stress and Trauma and how to manage these more challenging experiences that occur in the workplace and are a part of their occupational role.
- Safe context to share stressful/trauma-oriented workplace experiences in a group setting.
- Explore ways of responding to and managing these experiences to preserve your sense of well-being and balance in life.
Who is this training for?
Correction Officers and First Responders

Max. 10
Your premises
Communication skills workshop for Senior Managers
This full-day course is designed for Senior Managers in the Correction/First Responder fields. To manage traumatized/fatigued staff effectively it is critical Managers have an understanding of trauma experiences and their psychological impact on their staff. They must also feel they have sufficient communications skills and the personal capacity to enter into discussions with staff at these difficult times.
- What is occupational fatigue?
- How to identify trauma reactions
- How to assist trauma recovery.
- How to have discussions with your staff about the experience.
- The role of listening and identifying how staff process a traumatic event.
- Occupational fatigue and when to refer staff to counselling.