3 hours
Max. 12
Your premises
Presented by

Bruce Perham
Managing Stress and Trauma – Changing the Mindset
This two-hour group discussion training will very gently introduce Correction Officers/First Responders to some of the issues around Occupational Stress and Trauma and how to manage these more challenging experiences that occur in the workplace and are a part of their occupational role.
- Safe context to share stressful/trauma-oriented workplace experiences in a group setting.
- Explore ways of responding to and managing these experiences to preserve your sense of well-being and balance in life.
About the Training
- Training is a mixture of PowerPoint and group discussion covering
- Exposure to trauma experiences in the Corrections field
- Trauma reactions-what are they?
- The role of stress in mental health reactions to Corrections work
- The need to change your mindset from it ‘won’t happen to me’ to it ‘could happen to me’
- Take active steps to be prepared for the physical and psychological demands of Corrections work.
- Develop a ‘not negotiable’ health and wellness routine that is incorporated into your everyday life.
Who is this training for?
- Correction Officers
- First Responders
At the completion of the training participants will understand what a trauma reaction is, the warning signs and the importance of having developed their own individual self-care plan which will better prepare them for the rigours of Corrections work.
About Your Trainer
Bruce has a Cert IV in Training and Assessment and has delivered training to Correction Officers throughout Victoria and the ACT. Bruce places great emphasis on the training providing participants with the opportunity to share and learn from each other as well as from the facilitator.